Browsing "tricot"
Apr 14, 2008 - tricot    1 Comment


240ce54108b6c3ad74d70c65d94b05d6.jpganche Santiago lavora a maglia,ha tutta una lavorazione particolare e molto ma mooooolto personale con grande consumo(nel vero senso della parola)di gomitoli-55da81eea59f607f11e90bbb8bd882b2.jpg

Apr 14, 2008 - tricot    2 Comments


fai click sulle foto.         ********************************************************************************************** de98fd9422d30b2b7018f40d6f1bce22.jpg3decc7b9501dea7c47a2b41e47d8778f.jpg6244dabcc4fd2c258f491ba51bf23a76.jpg6df55b8dae57296906102b6e183b78c7.jpg9ecc2aace0a099bb3cd87f2802e2a12f.jpg689199376341048fd5d837465200ec2a.jpg81c29338c56a2631aaf626aba2f5e213.jpg6ba05e480055b81e9e01f693042a37bc.jpg78ccd491191f7775320f9138c37597a4.jpg84e0497bf8d9be563a5f9bfc400b0476.jpg84a082f32590b9dc8f92b0ca1da2c0f8.jpg0a28b0cda1c292823c7a1c3eb73e3a8f.jpge08e3d455da7b1aeb487d8f40ec45035.jpgb21ce2038a2118d93c7ead4b19469f6f.jpg2e30f79b36bbf1cac75b16e7b34ff682.jpgin un blog dove l’argomento principale è il tricot e curiosità in tema,mi sembra giusto inserirci l’artista Ivano Vitali che dalla carta ricava fili e gomitoli con cui crea abiti e tante altre sembrerà impossibile,ma tutto questo(compreso il cesto!)è fatto di lo trovo assolutamente geniale.      

Apr 13, 2008 - tricot    1 Comment


O quantomeno lo è stata per secoli, poi ha smesso di essere remunerativa ed è stata degradata a “roba da donne”. Il risultato è che oggi, almeno in Italia, gli uomini che lavorano la maglia sono pochissimi, anche se in alcune aree del mondo, come quella andina, rimane la tradizione della maglia per gli uominie3f83a3cdb09d7d1719f7c1aeb0453e0.jpg

Apr 13, 2008 - tricot    Commenti disabilitati su FILI MAGICI


ma a voi che,come me,amate creare con la lana,non vi sembra magia quel trasformarsi di forma come se quel filo avesse già dentro di se l’immagine finale?non è magia che quella morbida matassa possa evolvere in creazioni che piano piano nascono dalle nostre mani?e non è magia che quel filo così sottile possa realizzare i vostri pensieri…4bac463ad4e973855a62491876742d78.jpg

glitter blog 

Apr 11, 2008 - tricot    Commenti disabilitati su inviato da MIRA6MERA

inviato da MIRA6MERA

69e62cb1ac0566484e8aa0eeedd73b1d.jpgma quanto sono simpatici questi sandali?!?da copiare SUBITO!

Apr 11, 2008 - tricot    Commenti disabilitati su alcune tra le tante mie “creazioni”

alcune tra le tante mie “creazioni”

bf66de4f50304de5e62c574fb6f66977.jpg79cfdb5db2e62bde773af7912b79314b.jpg3f2ed1a0a10c2e81acb19319fc0ff236.jpgf1181724d129542e123857c4c9cca81d.gif33db023c54af86afbeacc04f6cd2f4af.jpgPer me,artista in rottamazione,la lana ha una duttilità che mi permette di dare sfogo a questa mia fantasia e creatività che in questo modo riesco ad esprimere.non le posso paragonare certo ad opere d’arte,ma di sicuro le posso indossare.sono comunque opere uniche e chi le acquista e le indossa sarà sicuro di non confondersi nella massa

Apr 10, 2008 - tricot    1 Comment


409a887d532c397a848e1373a26e1221.gif49def632b49edaa1ab926f56f1884ff9.jpg61be9c92dfe3d5a5d3d37de996bc6b28.jpgma lo trovo decisamente simpatico       istruzioni in inglese21fc9a7d9867933c37c63ef1faa28aae.jpg cozyclapotisleaves+wavesbelle starholey moley boo, toozigzagblazegiraffecolorlinesleopetrol the rockstiggerskating queenunbiasedhallowigfall surprise by Megan Reardon I found myself wondering just what I could do with all that cheap, bright acrylic yarn one finds in craft shops. I also found myself thinking about Halloween. Add in a bad hair day and this is what I got. This wig is worked from the bottom up, the bound off edge is the center part. model/photos: Megan Reardon SIZE One size fits all/Adult FINISHED MEASUREMENTS 8 inches wide at widest point when flat (unstretched) 11 inches long when flat MATERIALS [ MC] Red Heart Kids [100% acrylic; 5oz.]; color: Pink, shade 2734 1 pair US #8/5mm needles 1 set of 5 US #8/5mm double-pointed needles OR 2 US #8/5mm circular needles (any length) 4 stitch markers, 2 each of 2 different colors Tapestry needle STITCH PATTERNS [Knitty’s list of standard abbreviations can be found here] 2 X 2 rib Row 1 [RS]: K3, [p2, k2] to last st, k1. Row 2 [WS]: P3, [k2, p2] to last st, p1. GAUGE 28 sts/22 rows = 4 inches in 2×2 rib (unstretched) DIRECTIONS Wig Using straight needles or one set of circulars, cast on 96 sts. Work in 2 x 2 rib until the piece is as long as the distance between the bottom of your chin, and your eyebrow (about 6.5″), ending with a WS row. NOTE: The extra stitches along the edge of the work will balance the width of the first and last ribs. Later on, when the bangs are added, these stitches will become parts of purl ribs. If more length in the main body of the wig is desired, work more rows at this point. Next row [RS]: work as before, but slip the first and last stitch. Bangs With RS facing and using backward loop cast on, loosely CO 32 sts. The backward loop cast on allows for plenty of stretch. Div sts onto DPNs or circulars and join to work in the round with the RS of the wig facing out, being careful not to twist stitches. The first stitch will be a p; follow rib pattern after that. Work in 2×2 rib for 10 rows. NOTE: The extra stitches that were at the beginning and end of the work up to this point become parts of purl ribs where the bangs join – see diagram A below for example. If more length in the bangs is desired, work more rows at this point. Work Decreases Using diagram B below as a guide, rearrange stitches on needles and add stitch markers. (Diagram B shows placement for both double-pointed and circular needles.) When placing markers, begin counting from center front of bangs, which falls in the center of a purl rib. NOTE: Decreases will be worked identically at the front and back of the wig. Markers have been placed one stitch away from decreases instead of directly next to decreases, for ease of working. Begin decrease round by working decreases over bangs. Decrease Round *Work in rib as set to marker color 1, slip marker, k1, ssk, rib as set to 3 sts before marker color 2, k2tog, k1, slip marker. Rep from *. Work this round every round until 6 sts rem between markers. Work to marker color 1 (right edge of bangs section). Next Round: *Sl marker, k1, ssk, k2tog, k1, sl marker, [p2tog, k2] to 2 sts before next marker, p2tog. Repeat from * once. Remove st marker, k1, sl1, transfer the first half of the work (between center front and center back) to one DPN or circular needle, removing st markers, transfer the second half of the work to a second needle, cut yarn, leaving a 2-foot length for use in binding off. Carefully flip work inside out, in preparation for working a 3-needle BO from the WS. Work 3-needle BO tightly. (A crochet hook works well in place of a third needle.) FINISHING Weave in ends and turn right side out ABOUT THE DESIGNER Megan makes and sells knitting needle cases at The Organized Knitter. She thinks about Halloween all year long. Pattern & images © 2004 Megan Reardon. Contact Megan